Google’s Seefeld at TedX Zurich: The business “treasure map”

Bernhard Seefeld of Google Maps Switzerland talked about the history of maps during his TedX Zurich presentation on 4 October. In the distant past, he explained, maps were based on rumor and speculation – was the world flat or was there really a monster beyond that hill? He described the evolution of maps and mentioned how map-making was really just a matter of filling in the gaps with facts.

In business, good strategic plans are like treasure maps. The route – and the destination – should be so well defined that nobody in the organization gets lost along the way. If no roadmap is provided, rumor and speculation fill any gaps in understanding so it’s important to clearly communicate all the facts along the way.

Ask yourself – are you communicating your organization’s map as clearly as possible? If not, then take action to do so. Ask, assess, then act. Contact us – we’re here to help.

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